Friday, April 8, 2011

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue

Our good friends Jen and Matt are getting married this weekend.  I have to admit that I am slightly jealous (my wedding day was the best day of my life - everyone you love in such a magical setting)!  I hope that their wedding day is just as special and always holds a place in their hearts like mine does for me.  To follow tradition a bride must have something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.  My something new was my dress, my something old were my grandmother's earrings that my grandfather had given her on their 50th wedding anniversary, my something borrowed was my grandmother's handkerchief wrapped around the base of my bouquet and my something blue were actually my "orchid" dyed shoes.

Best Wishes Jen and Congratulations Matt!! 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Frankly Scarlet

My husband has never seen Gone with the Wind . . . I heard your gasp and totally agree.  However, we stumbled upon this masterpiece on the television yesterday evening and he now understands the magical, mythical beauty of Scarlet, Rhett, and Tara.  I have to admit that it has also been a while since I have watched it all the way through and the excitement and nostalgia has gotten the best of me.  I love that Rhett Butler is from Charleston and I know this morning I couldn't help but imagine him strolling down East Bay with that silky grin and Southern charm.