Friday, September 23, 2011

i actually do know something {art}

i actually know something  


I was so excited when I saw this photograph, simply because I was familiar with the work of art you see in the background.  This is a reproduction of a well-known Islamic work dating from 1590.  The original is page from a biography about the king at the time and is known as the Akbarnama.  This page was actually 1 foot by eight inches which makes this a rather large reproduction but what a cool way to experience art history.  The message of this miniature painting was the strength of the king - the image actually depicts multiple moments from a story involving the king taming a wild elephant (an allegory for the king taming a wild society, which was the case during this period).  I know that many people question the use of art historians but in all actuality art is an amazing companion to history and creates a visual documentation, especially before the modern period (ie. before 1870).  So, yes, I do know a little something every now and then.

*image from Burnham Design

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for explaining! Art is very fascinating and I wish I knew as much as you did. I love learning through your blog!
